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Operation F.E.I.S.T.Y. (Females in Engineering, Innovation, Science, Technology & You) Force

scalemeasuringmath problems


Operation F.E.I.S.T.Y. Force

Confidence, Determination, and Perseverance

Welcome to my Website! I am Anna Grace Blassingame, and I am a 6th grade student at Crockett Intermediate School, and I love science and math. I was surprised to hear many girls talk about how they thought the boys were smarter in math and science, and didn’t feel they were good at it-it made me angry because girls are smart and can do anything.

I decided to develop a community service project called

 Operation F.E.I.S.T.Y. Force

(Females in Engineering, Innovation, Science Technology, and You!) 

to promote STEM experiences for girls so that they will be better informed to select potential STEM careers for their future.


Through research, I found out a majority of studies show no differences in STEM ability between boys and girls.


By third grade, boys rate their own math competence higher than girls do, even though no differences in actual performance are found.


If girls do not expect to succeed in math and other STEM domains as early as elementary school, they will pick other jobs they are more confident in.


Boys tend to receive more encouragement in math from parents and teachers, and mothers overestimate boys’ abilities compared to girls’.

And even at very young ages, children tend to receive gender-specific toys that may promote STEM skills, like boys get Legos and girls get dolls.


The gender gap in STEM education is shocking in higher education, only 35% of all students enrolled in STEM related fields are females.


Our society is deprived of the talents and potential contributions of millions of women due to clear gender-based discrepancies in STEM education and occupations.


Please use the links below to find out more!

Girls’ STEM Club

Coding Class for Girls

Parent Information






Team Newsletters

Crockett Connection

Team Newsletters










Contact Information

Crockett Intermediate School
655 South Collegiate
Paris, Texas 75460

School Hours
8:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m. 

Doors Open
7:35 a.m.

Phone: 903-737-7450
Fax: 903-737-7526