Mr. High has several memories of Crockett during his time as teacher, coach, assistant principal and principal. One of his favorite memories is when the Commissioner of Education (Lionel Meno) visited the campus and the school was selected to participate in the Partnership School Initiative. Then in 1993 Governor Ann Richards named Crockett a Gold Star School, one of 83 Texas schools to receive that designation.
He also remembers when some of the kids tried to smoke at school. He said that the seventh graders used to go behind the field house and behind the oak trees and try to sneak a smoke. He also recalled that there was not any of the sagging of pants or any dragging and that students dressed neatly and proud. "One of the fads that began during that period was the wearing of earrings on boys and we had to deal with that," he remembered.
Mr. High joined the school was a teacher/coach in the early 70's. "It was the age of Aqaurius," he recalled. Afros were a popular hairstyle back the. Mr. High even confessed that he had an Afro at Crockett during his years as teacher. Just look at this picture!